Pay Property Taxes

Find tax information, including special assessments, assessed value, taxable value, millage rate detail, and many more items on the BS&A online portal. View your property tax details and re-print your tax bills here.

Pay Property Taxes


Visit the BS&A Online Portal and search for your address/parcel to locate your balance(s) due. Debit/credit card fees will apply; checking account processing is free. To make a partial payment, indicate your payment in the “Amount Paying” box.


Please use the top stub and courtesy envelope from the tax bill mailed to you.

Payments should be mailed to:

  City of Ferndale Taxes
  P. O. Box 674459
  Detroit, MI

Payments mailed to the P.O. Box are received and processed by the City's bank. Postmark date and check date are not accepted as a paid date.


Dial 866-873-9157 to pay your balance due in full; installment or partial payments cannot be made by phone. Have your parcel number ready before you call.


  • In-Person: Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Dropbox: The 24-hour dropbox is on the front of City Hall. Dropbox items are processed on the next business day, Monday through Thursday. Include your parcel number on your check and allow two business days before your payment for processing.
  • Payments mailed to City Hall will be processed according to the dropbox guidelines. The postmark date and check date are not accepted as a paid date.

Credit Card Fee: All tax payments made by debit or credit card will be assessed a 2% service fee. 

Returned Check Fee: Checks are accepted as a conditional payment. Unpaid taxes not honored by your bank are subject to penalties and a $35.00 returned check fee.

Contact the Finance Department with any questions or concerns.


Finance Department

Ferndale City Hall 300 E. Nine Mile Rd. Ferndale, MI 48220

248-546-2525 Ext. 4

Property Taxes FAQ

Please explore the dropdown tabs below, where you will find FAQ regarding information and services from the Finance Department. For additional questions, not covered on this page, contact the Finance Department at 248-546-2370

Where are my tax dollars going?

For more information about where your tax dollars are going, please review the following links:

Understanding Your Summer Tax Bill

Understanding Your Winter Tax Bill

Does Ferndale have payment options for real property taxes?

Yes; if you do not escrow your property taxes, you have the option to pay your summer tax bill in eight monthly installments, July through February, due by the last business day of each month. If paid on time, there is no additional cost; late installment payments will accrue interest.

Preprinted installment coupons will be mailed to you separately from your tax bill in early July. If paying by mail, an installment coupon must accompany your check. Postmark date and check date are not accepted as a paid date. Installment or partial payments cannot be made by phone.

Mail summer installment coupon payments to:
City of Ferndale Taxes,
P. O. Box 674459,
Detroit, MI 48267-4459

What are property taxes based on?

For information on Real & Personal Property Information, including assessed value, capped value, and how property values are determined, please visit Oakland County Equalization’s FAQ page.

Who should I contact about my property tax assessment?

Oakland County Equalization

Oakland Pointe Office Building
250 Elizabeth Lake Road, Suite 1000W
Pontiac, Michigan, USA, 48341 

Phone: 248-858-0740

What are personal property taxes?

Personal property taxes in the City of Ferndale are administered by Oakland County Equalization.

Personal Property Tax Frequently Asked Questions

View and Print All Personal Property Forms

How do I appeal an assessment?

In February you will receive a ‘NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT, TAXABLE VALUATION, AND PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION’ from Oakland County Equalization. 

This form has your proposed values for the upcoming tax year.  There are instructions on how to set up an appointment with the March Board of Review to appeal the proposed values. The March Board of Review is the place to begin the appeal process.

What is the Board of Review?

The board reviews and approves the tax assessment roll for the City. The Board of Review also hears requests for a correction of assessment.

The Board of Review meets each year in March at City Hall after the annual assessments have been sent out to homeowners.

Can I pay my taxes online?

For Property Tax payment info, click here.

When does the Board of Review meet?

The Board of Review meets each year in March at City Hall after the annual assessments have been sent out to homeowners.

How can I pay my taxes?

For Property Tax payment info, click here.

You can pay your taxes online, in person, or at City Hall. You may also drop your tax payment in the drop box located outside the entrance of City Hall.

City of Ferndale
300 E. Nine Mile Rd.
Ferndale, MI 48220

When are my winter taxes due?

The ‘Winter Tax’ bills are issued on December 1st and are due by February 14th.

When are my summer taxes due?

The ‘Summer Tax’ bills are issued on July 1st and are due by July 31st.